​​Clarke Inventories is a residential inventory company based in London. Our working method is tried and tested and trusted by our loyal clientele, who require that little bit extra quality. We have shunned gimmicky automated technology, which is time consuming, inaccurate and offers little scope for detail, in favour of a personal, bespoke and ultimately more efficient approach.
Our staff are fully qualified and have over 10 years experience in inventory reporting and Property Management. We specialise in offering efficient, timesaving, yet detailed service to estate agents, landlords and individuals.
Our team is small but reliable and experienced. Other companies rely on technology, we rely on our people.
We operate within zones 1-4 in London and can accommodate bookings between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 3pm on Saturday .
​If you would like to book an appointment or require any further information, please email us on info@clarkeinventories.co.uk